Hi, since the release of Ankama Launcher the configuration is a little bit different so i will help you with the procedure.
Go in the configuration, and then in the section Account.
At the level of Call parameters, click on the 3 dots and click on Dofus Retro
Then click on the shortcut and go in the tab Multis and save.
And check the case Multi connection mode to switch to the mode sequential
Go back to the shortcut and click on Autoconnect and registered
Click on the grey box and click on Parameters for Dofus Retro and registered.
For the mode 32 bits you must close the application nAiO
Go in the file Data of nAiO
Then open the file Config_01.ini
Research the line with " PatternDofus=[REGEXPTITLE:^Dofus\s?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\:,]*)$; CLASS:ApolloRuntimeContentWindow] "
and replace it with "PatternDofus=[REGEXPTITLE:^Dofus(\s.*?)?$; CLASS:ShockwaveFlash]"
like on the picture
Then registered and this is the end nAiO will work in version 32 bits.
Sincerely, Abysse-Luga .
Tutorial nAiO
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Tutorial nAiO
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Abysse-Luga - Développeur [Equipe nAiO]
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- Localisation: Gironde
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